The Impact of Loneliness on Senior Health

The Impact of Loneliness on Senior Health

caringedge effects of loneliness on senior health

As the baby boomer generation continues to age, new research is uncovering the importance of social connections. With the average life expectancy rising, seniors are spending more of their lives alone, which can lead to an increased risk for serious health issues. In fact, researchers are now finding that loneliness can be as detrimental to your overall health as smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure. Loneliness is defined as a subjective feeling of isolation, and is typically caused by a lack of meaningful social connections. While loneliness can affect people of all ages, seniors are disproportionately at risk due to their increased risk for isolation. This can be due to the death of a spouse, moving to a new area, mobility issues, health complications, and more. There are many physical and psychological impacts of loneliness on seniors. The physical impacts are numerous, and can lead to an increased risk of health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, poor nutrition, and impaired immunity. Moreover, there is an increased risk of psychological distress such as depression, anxiety, and Alzheimer’s disease. Seniors who are feeling lonely can work to combat this issue by making meaningful changes in their lives. One way to do this is to stay in touch with family and friends, either through in-person visits, phone calls, emails, or other communication methods. Other activities such as joining a club, attending classes or events, volunteering, gardening, pursuing a hobby, or taking a trip can also help to reduce feelings of loneliness. It’s also important for friends and family members of seniors to be aware of the warning signs of loneliness. These can include withdrawal from activities, general disengagement, feelings of helplessness or hopelessness, increased reliance on others, health complaints, and changes in sleeping or eating habits. Seniors who are feeling lonely should not hesitate to ask for help. There are numerous support groups available online and in local communities, as well as trained professionals such as social workers or counsellors who can aid in managing loneliness. Additionally, healthcare providers may be able to provide referrals and resources. Despite the many risks and impacts of loneliness on seniors, it is important to remember that there are solutions available and support systems in place. With a few lifestyle changes and access to the resources described above, seniors can start to feel a sense of connection again and improving their overall wellbeing.

Ensuring Medication Safety in Home Care

Ensuring Medication Safety in Home Care

caringedge ensuring medication safety in home care

When caring for a loved one at home, medication management is one of the most important responsibilities to ensure safety and best health outcomes. As a caregiver, it is important to understand how to properly store medications, identify the right dose and give medications on time, as well as understand the side effects and interactions of the drugs. Keeping medication safety in mind, here are a few key tips to help protect your loved one’s health.

Educate Yourself on the Medication

When administering medications, it is essential to first understand the purpose of the drug and how it is meant to be taken. This means reading the label thoroughly as well as consulting with the doctor or pharmacist before matter. Understanding the implications and potential side-effects is also important. Knowing what drugs should and should not be taken with the medication your loved one is taking is critical, as certain medications can react with each other. Keeping yourself well informed about the medications will help protect your loved one and prevent any mistakes.

Store the Medications Properly

After understanding the medications being taken by your loved one, proper storage should be a priority. It is recommended to keep all medications away from direct light and away from humidity. In addition, it is important to keep all medications in labeled containers and away from children. Beware of using expired medications, as this can cause serious side-effects.

Understand the Dosage

One of the most important steps when giving medications is understanding the dosage. Overdoses or underdoses can cause serious health risks, so it’s important to understand the right amount to give. Generally the doctor or pharmacist will provide instructions about how much medication needs to be given and how many times per day. It is important to have a schedule for taking the medication and use measured spoons for liquid medications when needed.

Monitor the Side Effects/Symptoms

When taking any medication, there are always side effects that can occur. It is important to recognize and understand the side effects that are associated with your loved one’s medications. Different side effects can range from nausea and fatigue to skin rashes and other more serious conditions. In addition, if any of the medications your loved one is taking have been changed recently, it is important to monitor any new symptoms that may emerge. Recognizing any potential changes will help ensure the best health outcomes.

Stay Organized and Communicate

Managing medications may seem like a daunting task, but there are ways to make things easier. Using smartphone apps, such as CareZone, to track medications and set alerts for doses helps ensure that your loved one is taking their medications properly. In addition, if you are caring for your loved one with other family members, it is important to coordinate and share medical information to ensure that all parties are well-informed. Communicating with the doctor and the pharmacist is also important when managing medications.

Ensuring medication safety in home care is not an easy task. However, by educating yourself about the medications, storing them properly, understanding the dosage, monitoring any side effects or potential changes, and staying organized, you will be able to ensure the best health outcomes for your loved one.

The Role of Case Managers in Coordinating Care

The Role of Case Managers in Coordinating Care

caringedge the role of case managers in coordinating care

Case management is an important part of the coordination and maintenance of care for those who are either living with or have been diagnosed with a serious or chronic illness. A case manager provides a thorough assessment of an individual’s health care needs and coordinates the delivery of service and resources to promote the most effective and least restrictive care.

The case manager provides an assessment of an individual’s present and foreseeable needs, and works collaboratively with various other disciplines in the management and coordination of care. This might mean providing patient education and support, helping arrange for long-term care when needed, linking the individual to community resources, tracking test results or other vital information, and managing medication. The goal of case management is to ensure that quality, cost-effective outcomes are realized.

When case management is effective, it can be a resource to both the patient and their healthcare team. In terms of care coordination, it can ensure that the patient’s care plan is both comprehensive and coordinated across multiple providers, particularly when the patient is referred to specialists or other community resources. Moreover, research has demonstrated that coordinated care has the potential to reduce unnecessary medical costs and improve health outcomes.

The role of case managers is also to connect patients and their families with particular resources that make their care more convenient as well as provide support for a more collaborative approach between providers. For example, case managers can provide assistance in finding transportation to appointments, assist with short-term meals and lodging, and connect individuals to support services such as counseling, technical assistance, and physical and occupational therapy.

Case management also has the potential to improve healthcare quality. By providing the right information to the right people at the right time, case managers can ensure that necessary preventive interventions take place and any related risks are monitored, thus preventing potentially serious complications. Case management can also provide the necessary tools and guidance to manage complex conditions, giving patients the resources and support they need to improve health outcomes and quality of life.

Case management is a vital role in ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of quality care. It helps ensure that patients are connected to necessary resources and services and that all providers are working together to achieve the most successful outcomes. It also gives patients the ability to confidently and effectively manage their own health and wellbeing.


Case Managers play a vital role in the healthcare system. By providing assessments, coordination of care, and assistance with connecting patients to the right resources, case managers help ensure quality care is received and that patients are empowered and well informed with regards to their own health and wellbeing.

Aging in Place with the Help of Assistive Technology

Aging in Place with the Help of Assistive Technology

caringedge benefits of assistive technology

As we age, many of us wish to remain in our own homes as long as possible. But as we experience physical and mental health changes over time, we may need more mobility, medical, and technological assistance to stay safe and comfortable in our homes. Yet with the help of assistive technologies, seniors can maximize their independence, safety, and comfort while aging in place.

Benefits of Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is defined by the American with Disabilities Act as “any item, piece of equipment, product, or system, whether acquired commercial or modified, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functioning of individuals with disabilities”. It can range from a simple hand-held gadget to complex mechanical systems and pieces of equipment. Some examples of assistive technologies include hearing aids, walkers, wheelchairs, computer-based technology, specialized software and applications, and other aides.

Assistive technology can be an invaluable aid for seniors aging in place. It can provide independence and allow for more autonomy and independence by making everyday tasks easier to complete. It can increase safety as well, as some assistive technologies are designed to monitor motion and sound in the home and notify family and friends should there be an issue. Assistive technology can also improve cognitive functions as well, helping to reduce the risk of memory loss or confusion and enhance decision-making skills.

Types of Assistive Technology

There are a myriad of assistive technologies available to meet the unique needs of each individual. The most commonly used assistive technologies include:

  • Mobility aids: canes, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.
  • Medical devices: oxygen generators, blood pressure monitors, automatic pill dispensers, etc.
  • Communication devices: computer-based visual and auditory technology, voice-activated systems, etc.
  • Electronic aids: remote controls, audiovisual technology, safety alarms, intercoms, etc.
  • Computer software: speech-to-text programs, medical reminders, etc.

There are also assistive technologies designed to help seniors living with chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and heart disease to manage their medical care from their homes. These range from items such as specialized medical equipment, insulin pumps, glucose monitors, and more.

How CaringEdge Can Help

At CaringEdge Health Services we understand the importance of staying independent as we age. That’s why we provide a range of services that can help make it easier to age in place with the help of assistive technologies. From home safety assessments to online education and resources, we have the tools and knowledge to help you learn more about what assistive technologies can do for you. We also can offer installation and monitoring services if needed. Let us help you access the support you need to continue aging in place with the help of assistive technology.

CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice: A Beacon of Compassionate Care in Bismarck

CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice: A Beacon of Compassionate Care in Bismarck

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Click Here to View The Video: ND Today Business Highlight: CaringEdge Home Health & Hospice (


CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice in Bismarck, North Dakota, has been a topic of conversation on KFYR TV’s North Dakota Today, highlighting its exceptional services in home health and hospice care. This feature spotlights the compassionate work spearheaded by Torie Lenhardt, Director of Home Health, and Jenalee Mollman, Director of Hospice. Here, we delve into the insights they shared about these vital services, who can benefit from them, and how their primary goal remains to provide care in the comfort of home, thereby reducing hospital visits.

Understanding Home Health and Hospice Services

Home Health Care: A Closer Look

Home health care is a broad term encompassing a range of health and social services delivered in a patient’s home. It is ideally suited for patients recovering from an illness or surgery, those needing assistance with chronic health issues, or individuals requiring therapeutic and nursing care. Torie Lenhardt, in her discussion, emphasized the personalized approach CaringEdge takes in crafting home health plans that cater to each individual’s needs. Torie highlights the multiple disciplines offered by CaringEdge, including, Skilled Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Home Health Aides.

Hospice Care: Compassionate End-of-Life Care

Hospice care, as explained by Jenalee Mollman, is specialized care designed to provide comfort and support to individuals in the final phase of a terminal illness. The focus here is not on cure but on ensuring quality of life, dignity, and comfort. Hospice care involves a multidisciplinary team approach, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and spiritual advisors, all working together to provide holistic care.

Who Can Benefit from These Services?

Eligibility for Home Health Care

Home health services are for those who find it challenging to leave home due to illness or disability. It is an effective option for post-surgery patients, those with chronic illnesses like heart failure or diabetes, and seniors needing assistance with daily activities.

Hospice Care Candidates

Hospice care is for individuals diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, having a prognosis of six months or less if the disease runs its usual course. It’s about caring, not curing, and provides support for both the patient and their family.

Goals and Benefits of Home-Based Care

Keeping Patients Out of the Hospital

One of the primary objectives of CaringEdge is to reduce the frequency of hospital visits for patients. By providing comprehensive care at home, CaringEdge aims to manage symptoms effectively, prevent complications, and improve the overall quality of life for patients.

Personalized Care in the Comfort of Home

Both home health and hospice services offer the advantage of personalized care tailored to individual needs, all within the familiar and comfortable setting of one’s home. This approach not only fosters a sense of independence and dignity for patients but also allows families to be closely involved in the care process.

CaringEdge’s Commitment to Excellence

Expert Team and Holistic Approach

CaringEdge stands out for its team of highly skilled professionals who adopt a holistic approach to care. This means addressing not just the physical needs of patients but also their emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.

Continuous Support and Education

In addition to providing care, CaringEdge is dedicated to educating families and caregivers, ensuring they have the knowledge and support needed to care for their loved ones effectively.


The feature on KFYR TV’s North Dakota Today has rightly highlighted the essential services provided by CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice in Bismarck. With a team led by experts like Torie Lenhardt, Jenalee Mollman and Janessa Vogel, CaringEdge continues to be a pillar of support and compassion for those in need of home health and hospice care. Their dedication to keeping patients comfortable in their homes and out of hospitals is not just a service; it’s a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and families during challenging times.

For more information about CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice services in Bismarck, please visit our website or contact us directly. Our team is ready to answer any questions and guide you through the process of getting the care you or your loved ones need.

Embracing the Spirit of the Holidays: Enhancing Comfort and Joy in Home Health, Hospice, and Assisted Living, Highlighting volunteer opportunities and community support for these care settings during the holiday season

Embracing the Spirit of the Holidays: Enhancing Comfort and Joy in Home Health, Hospice, and Assisted Living, Highlighting volunteer opportunities and community support for these care settings during the holiday season

caringedge home health embracing the spirit of the holidays

With the holiday season upon us, it can be hard to find the joy and cheer we so deeply crave this time of year. For those in home care, hospice, or assisted living settings, however, the holidays may bring on additional challenges. Many public facilities may have less staff, reduced resources, and tight restrictions on visitors. As the providers of these vital services, it is up to us to ensure that our patients and the communities at large find ways to connect, rejoice, and celebrate, even amidst the ever-present challenges of the pandemic.

Whether they’re spreading light and joy through holiday concerts or caroling in the hallways, there are countless ways to encourage our patients and care recipients to find meaning in the holidays. We can use this season to bridge gaps between cultures, celebrate special gatherings of family and friends, and maybe find a holiday baking project to share with others. Comfort and joy could start with a kind word, heartfelt letter, a warm meal, or a socially-distanced visit.

It is our mission at CaringEdge Health Services to make the holidays special for our patients and their families, with a unique blend of personal, compassionate care and an array of organizations and initiatives devoted to making the holidays brighter for everyone in our extended network. Our private home health care companies and our elderly care home teams offer festive programs crossing cultural, religious, and social lines, and we work diligently with our local businesses, churches, and affiliates to provide meals, music, decorations, and the chance for our patients to enjoy the winter season together.

Volunteer Opportunities to Bring Holiday Cheer to Home Care Settings

The holiday season is a great time to reach out to our local communities to solicit or host an event like a Holiday Toy Drive, a Secret Santa program, or a special event for patients. The donation of gifts and food items, and the joy associated with holiday decorations brightens our facilities, and leads to smiles all around. We’ve found that having volunteers bring goodies, cards, decorations, food, books, or even play cards or offer an activity of their own helps spread cheer and a sense of family and holiday spirit.

Community Support for our Home Health, Hospice, and Assisted Living Settings

Beyond gifts and decorations, there are lots of creative and meaningful ways we can connect with our larger community. A few ideas that may spark joy in our centers include:

  • Making holiday ornaments, paintings, or special gifts
  • Creating holiday cards for troops, elderly friends, or loved ones
  • Sending out good wishes and holiday letters through friends and family
  • Hosting a virtual holiday party with stories, music, and dance
  • Organizing games, puzzles, and activities for residents
  • Coordinating caroling events and story-telling
  • Posting festive photos and video messages on social media
  • Making blankets or other items to donate to charities in need

At CaringEdge, we know the power of kindness and the significance of togetherness, especially during the holidays. We are proud to share in the holiday spirit and embrace the joy of the season through our services and local partnerships. This year, let’s step up and make the holidays brighter for everyone in our care and beyond.