Celebrating the Season of Giving and Caring with CaringEdge Health Services

Celebrating the Season of Giving and Caring with CaringEdge Health Services

caringedge happy holidays

As the holiday season approaches, it’s a time of joy, reflection, and gratitude. At CaringEdge Health Services, we understand the importance of this special time, especially for those we serve in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho. Our commitment to providing exceptional home health, hospice, and outpatient therapy is more than just a professional duty; it’s a heartfelt mission to enrich lives, one person at a time.

A Season of Caring

The holidays are often synonymous with family, love, and togetherness. For many of our clients and their families, this season brings unique challenges and emotions. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals and caregivers becomes an extension of their families, offering not just medical care, but also emotional support and companionship. Whether it’s a friendly chat, a hand to hold, or providing comfort in difficult times, we are there to ensure that the spirit of the holidays is felt by everyone.

Gratitude for Our Team

This season, we extend our deepest gratitude to our incredible team of nurses, therapists, aides, and support staff. Their unwavering dedication, compassion, and professionalism are the heart and soul of CaringEdge Health Services. They brave the winter roads and weather of the Midwest to ensure our clients receive the care and support they need, embodying the true spirit of the holiday season.

Supporting Our Communities

Our commitment to care extends beyond our services. This holiday season, we are actively participating in community events and initiatives across our service areas. From volunteering at local shelters to organizing holiday drives, we believe in giving back and spreading cheer in the communities we are so proud to be a part of.

A Message of Hope and Healing

As we reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one, we are reminded of the resilience and strength of the human spirit. We’ve witnessed remarkable stories of recovery, witnessed the power of compassionate care, and seen firsthand how a supportive community can make a significant difference in people’s lives.

Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours

To our clients and their families, our staff, and the communities we serve, we wish you a holiday season filled with peace, joy, and love. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives. We look forward to continuing our journey together in the coming year and beyond.

Warmest Wishes,

CaringEdge Health Services

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CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice: A Beacon of Compassionate Care in Bismarck

CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice: A Beacon of Compassionate Care in Bismarck

caringedge nd today caringedge business spotlight

Click Here to View The Video: ND Today Business Highlight: CaringEdge Home Health & Hospice (kfyrtv.com)


CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice in Bismarck, North Dakota, has been a topic of conversation on KFYR TV’s North Dakota Today, highlighting its exceptional services in home health and hospice care. This feature spotlights the compassionate work spearheaded by Torie Lenhardt, Director of Home Health, and Jenalee Mollman, Director of Hospice. Here, we delve into the insights they shared about these vital services, who can benefit from them, and how their primary goal remains to provide care in the comfort of home, thereby reducing hospital visits.

Understanding Home Health and Hospice Services

Home Health Care: A Closer Look

Home health care is a broad term encompassing a range of health and social services delivered in a patient’s home. It is ideally suited for patients recovering from an illness or surgery, those needing assistance with chronic health issues, or individuals requiring therapeutic and nursing care. Torie Lenhardt, in her discussion, emphasized the personalized approach CaringEdge takes in crafting home health plans that cater to each individual’s needs. Torie highlights the multiple disciplines offered by CaringEdge, including, Skilled Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Home Health Aides.

Hospice Care: Compassionate End-of-Life Care

Hospice care, as explained by Jenalee Mollman, is specialized care designed to provide comfort and support to individuals in the final phase of a terminal illness. The focus here is not on cure but on ensuring quality of life, dignity, and comfort. Hospice care involves a multidisciplinary team approach, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and spiritual advisors, all working together to provide holistic care.

Who Can Benefit from These Services?

Eligibility for Home Health Care

Home health services are for those who find it challenging to leave home due to illness or disability. It is an effective option for post-surgery patients, those with chronic illnesses like heart failure or diabetes, and seniors needing assistance with daily activities.

Hospice Care Candidates

Hospice care is for individuals diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, having a prognosis of six months or less if the disease runs its usual course. It’s about caring, not curing, and provides support for both the patient and their family.

Goals and Benefits of Home-Based Care

Keeping Patients Out of the Hospital

One of the primary objectives of CaringEdge is to reduce the frequency of hospital visits for patients. By providing comprehensive care at home, CaringEdge aims to manage symptoms effectively, prevent complications, and improve the overall quality of life for patients.

Personalized Care in the Comfort of Home

Both home health and hospice services offer the advantage of personalized care tailored to individual needs, all within the familiar and comfortable setting of one’s home. This approach not only fosters a sense of independence and dignity for patients but also allows families to be closely involved in the care process.

CaringEdge’s Commitment to Excellence

Expert Team and Holistic Approach

CaringEdge stands out for its team of highly skilled professionals who adopt a holistic approach to care. This means addressing not just the physical needs of patients but also their emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.

Continuous Support and Education

In addition to providing care, CaringEdge is dedicated to educating families and caregivers, ensuring they have the knowledge and support needed to care for their loved ones effectively.


The feature on KFYR TV’s North Dakota Today has rightly highlighted the essential services provided by CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice in Bismarck. With a team led by experts like Torie Lenhardt, Jenalee Mollman and Janessa Vogel, CaringEdge continues to be a pillar of support and compassion for those in need of home health and hospice care. Their dedication to keeping patients comfortable in their homes and out of hospitals is not just a service; it’s a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and families during challenging times.

For more information about CaringEdge Home Health and Hospice services in Bismarck, please visit our website or contact us directly. Our team is ready to answer any questions and guide you through the process of getting the care you or your loved ones need.