The Role of Case Managers in Coordinating Care

The Role of Case Managers in Coordinating Care

caringedge the role of case managers in coordinating care

Case management is an important part of the coordination and maintenance of care for those who are either living with or have been diagnosed with a serious or chronic illness. A case manager provides a thorough assessment of an individual’s health care needs and coordinates the delivery of service and resources to promote the most effective and least restrictive care.

The case manager provides an assessment of an individual’s present and foreseeable needs, and works collaboratively with various other disciplines in the management and coordination of care. This might mean providing patient education and support, helping arrange for long-term care when needed, linking the individual to community resources, tracking test results or other vital information, and managing medication. The goal of case management is to ensure that quality, cost-effective outcomes are realized.

When case management is effective, it can be a resource to both the patient and their healthcare team. In terms of care coordination, it can ensure that the patient’s care plan is both comprehensive and coordinated across multiple providers, particularly when the patient is referred to specialists or other community resources. Moreover, research has demonstrated that coordinated care has the potential to reduce unnecessary medical costs and improve health outcomes.

The role of case managers is also to connect patients and their families with particular resources that make their care more convenient as well as provide support for a more collaborative approach between providers. For example, case managers can provide assistance in finding transportation to appointments, assist with short-term meals and lodging, and connect individuals to support services such as counseling, technical assistance, and physical and occupational therapy.

Case management also has the potential to improve healthcare quality. By providing the right information to the right people at the right time, case managers can ensure that necessary preventive interventions take place and any related risks are monitored, thus preventing potentially serious complications. Case management can also provide the necessary tools and guidance to manage complex conditions, giving patients the resources and support they need to improve health outcomes and quality of life.

Case management is a vital role in ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of quality care. It helps ensure that patients are connected to necessary resources and services and that all providers are working together to achieve the most successful outcomes. It also gives patients the ability to confidently and effectively manage their own health and wellbeing.


Case Managers play a vital role in the healthcare system. By providing assessments, coordination of care, and assistance with connecting patients to the right resources, case managers help ensure quality care is received and that patients are empowered and well informed with regards to their own health and wellbeing.

Aging in Place with the Help of Assistive Technology

Aging in Place with the Help of Assistive Technology

caringedge benefits of assistive technology

As we age, many of us wish to remain in our own homes as long as possible. But as we experience physical and mental health changes over time, we may need more mobility, medical, and technological assistance to stay safe and comfortable in our homes. Yet with the help of assistive technologies, seniors can maximize their independence, safety, and comfort while aging in place.

Benefits of Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is defined by the American with Disabilities Act as “any item, piece of equipment, product, or system, whether acquired commercial or modified, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functioning of individuals with disabilities”. It can range from a simple hand-held gadget to complex mechanical systems and pieces of equipment. Some examples of assistive technologies include hearing aids, walkers, wheelchairs, computer-based technology, specialized software and applications, and other aides.

Assistive technology can be an invaluable aid for seniors aging in place. It can provide independence and allow for more autonomy and independence by making everyday tasks easier to complete. It can increase safety as well, as some assistive technologies are designed to monitor motion and sound in the home and notify family and friends should there be an issue. Assistive technology can also improve cognitive functions as well, helping to reduce the risk of memory loss or confusion and enhance decision-making skills.

Types of Assistive Technology

There are a myriad of assistive technologies available to meet the unique needs of each individual. The most commonly used assistive technologies include:

  • Mobility aids: canes, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.
  • Medical devices: oxygen generators, blood pressure monitors, automatic pill dispensers, etc.
  • Communication devices: computer-based visual and auditory technology, voice-activated systems, etc.
  • Electronic aids: remote controls, audiovisual technology, safety alarms, intercoms, etc.
  • Computer software: speech-to-text programs, medical reminders, etc.

There are also assistive technologies designed to help seniors living with chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and heart disease to manage their medical care from their homes. These range from items such as specialized medical equipment, insulin pumps, glucose monitors, and more.

How CaringEdge Can Help

At CaringEdge Health Services we understand the importance of staying independent as we age. That’s why we provide a range of services that can help make it easier to age in place with the help of assistive technologies. From home safety assessments to online education and resources, we have the tools and knowledge to help you learn more about what assistive technologies can do for you. We also can offer installation and monitoring services if needed. Let us help you access the support you need to continue aging in place with the help of assistive technology.