That title might take many of us back to nursery school when we learned about the parts of our bodies. By adulthood, we’re probably more than aware because, let’s face it, they probably all hurt!
Pain can make us feel rusty as we age, but we’ve got to keep moving in any way we can. When you stop, you stop. But how do you keep on moving even when it starts to hurt? Physical therapy can help! Today is National Physical Therapy Day. To celebrate, let’s answer some important questions about this fantastic service.
What is Physical Therapy? Physical therapy, or “PT” for short, helps patients learn to exercise, stretch, and move in a way that can reduce their pain and increase their ability to be independent with movement. This includes walking safely without falling. The best part about physical therapy is that it can relieve pain without taking medications. Sometimes PT is stretching, sometimes it’s exercising, and sometimes, it can involve light massage to treat the area of the body experiencing pain.
A Preventative Approach
While many think that PT is something folks do following an injury, a hospital stay, or surgery, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, PT is done preventatively to improve a condition before the pain or injury leads to a more severe issue.
“If you don’t use it, you lose it” is a common saying that couldn’t be truer! PT helps you use the muscles of your body so you can keep doing all the daily activities you need to do to stay healthy.
What Conditions Can PT Treat? PT can treat conditions from foot, ankle, arm, or low back pain to urinary incontinence.
Where Can I Do PT? PT can be done in a clinic, hospital, nursing home, assisted living community, or at your home. Physical therapy can be considered outpatient or home health when you’re not admitted to a hospital or nursing home. One of the best enhancements to outpatient therapy is when the therapists come right to your door!
How Do I Qualify? If you have an injury, pain, limited range of motion, or use a device for safe mobility, you may qualify for PT. Some insurances do require a physician’s referral.
Who Can Pay? Most insurance can pay for PT. Medicare is a typical pay source as well. Depending on your insurance plan, many will cover the cost of physical therapy. CaringEdge can help to determine your coverage if you’re unsure.
How Long Does PT Last? Therapy sessions typically are 45-60 minutes. The average length of therapy depends on each individual’s progress, injury, pain, and other health conditions.
What if I Need it Again? Patients can requalify for PT if their injury/limitation does not improve or if a new condition requires it.
Is Physical Therapy Hard? Physical therapy isn’t like a boot camp that forces you to work, but it is a commitment. When you choose physical therapy, you’re committing to maintaining your independence. Movement can be challenging, but the alternative could mean relying on mobility aids such as walkers and wheelchairs long-term. Sometimes it can also mean that you’ll require total care from others for dressing, bathing, and getting in and out of bed. This can take a toll mentally on a person’s well-being.
CaringEdge brings our physical therapy services to YOU. Our services are dependent upon what each person needs and hopes to achieve. We will monitor you for pain and adjust the physical therapy schedule and exercises based on how you’re feeling. We can help to address any concerns you may have about your condition and check in with you as you progress toward your goals. If someone wants to maintain independence or return to their baseline, we can help! Check out the fantastic patient testimonials on our Facebook page by clicking here.
If you’re interested to find out if you qualify for PT and if it’s right for you, connect with us at info@caringedge.com.